Thursday 23 February 2012

Who would be the audience for your media product?

This is my personified target audience, who was created in open office by me. His name is Jack and he is 22 years old. He is the average person we have aimed our opening sequence as a specific target audience is key to create a well constructed, effective opening sequence. He is composed of many factors that we considered in order to create an opening sequence that appealed to a varied audience in order to earn as much money as possible in the industry.

The first thing that we considered, was his occupation, shown by his belt. He is a skilled working class manual labourer, more informally known as a plumber. I have chosen our characterisation of the target audience to be a plumber, as this shows motivation towards money, as he has put in the time to learn the necessary skills needed, in order to become a plumber, which is a highly paid job. Our opening sequence being a money motivated film, is likely to appeal to someone like 'Jack' as he will enjoy the type of story that engages an average, normal guy becoming rich and powerful.

Secondly, I have considered his clothing. He is wearing highly fashionably clothing and therefore he is likely to take pride in his appearance, but more importantly, it shows that he is just an average person living in london. He is likely to appreciate the story behind our sequence, as our main character is dressed similarly to him, and this will allow him to relate to our story, perhaps making it more engaging as he will feel that this applies to him, meaning he can one day replicate this story, just in more legal means.

Also, 'Jack' is holding a newspaper, which is in fact The Sun. He enjoys to read tabloid newspapers and this represents the fact that he is likely to enjoy a good story in which he can speak to his friends about, and this will mean that our story will not only be a good 'gossip' story that he can talk about, but also be an effective means of advertisement for our sequence as word of mouth is the most effective method.

His camera, and the scenery behind him, represents his love for good scenery, and also media. If he enjoys quality presentation of good scenery, he will definitely enjoy our well crafted establishing shots of london city. He will also like things such as the environment in which the main character is based. The quality of our shots is also an appealing factor to him.

Social media is another focal point, not only does this help display that he is someone who enjoys a story with ecological validity, that he can talk about to his friends. It also means that he will help promote our video through word of mouth, which is one that is most effective in advertising media.

Opening Sequence

After months of planning, research & construction, here is our finished final opening sequence.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Todays Lesson

During todays lesson we have finished the editing stage of our first half of the sequence, we had to complete the timing of the typewriting effect, as this makes our sequence look professional and fresh.
We are planning to record tomorrow, which will allow us to get the majority of the editing finished by Friday.