Thursday 10 November 2011

Evaluation of the Prelim

We made our prelim very basic in order to meet all aspects of the brief. The members of our group were more confident in different areas. I took a more forward role in the editing as i believe that this is the my strongest area. For the filming, I watched over the set, and reviewed any recording clips to check that they were up to standard, and mentioned any improvements I thought the group could make to a shot. During the editing process, I sat in the editors chair for the majority of the time but was open to other members of the group's input and allowed them to make any changes they felt necessary. I created the rushes (rough cut) and also did most of the sequencing and transitioning. I believe I made a significant contribution to the group and made sure my ideas were heard.

Our group wanted to make sure that we meeting the specific requirements in the brief, in our planning process, we noted camera positioning in order to stick to the 180 degree rule. We did this by cutting from one over the shoulder shot to the other matching shoulder, in order to not cross the line.
This also works for meeting the brief specification of using a 'shot reverse shot'.
We also met put in Match on Match action by recording our main characters point of view of her opening a door.
We exceeded on the 30 second limit of the brief so we should of perhaps read the brief more carefully.

Our group worked well in creating a professional feel to our task. We planned well, which allowed us to get straight into the recording, which took little time because we already knew where we was going to place the camera. Damian and Ryan took charge of the recording and camera work, which was effective as they both knew what they were doing. Me controlling the editing was also effective as I already knew how to do most of the techniques we wanted to add, and this allowed us more time at the end to finalise anything and make any last minute changes before publishing. I learned a lot from this task, for example, the importance of planning, and the fact that storyboarding makes everything much easier. I also learned that filming a short piece of film still requires consideration to all small things and takes time to get the clips how you want them to be. In terms of editing, i learned that you can easily over complicate your sequence, and precision is what counts.

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