Thursday 8 March 2012

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

This is a picture of our camera and tripod that we used. The tripod was used to keep our camera steady. The handle helped us to do the pan shots and the angling of our shots.
The camera of course is what we used to record. We could save all of our clips on there and then upload them to final cut to edit.
This is our phones. As you can see, they are all iphones, we FaceTime'd each other from various WiFi zones in order to communicate when filming in different locations in london. We also communicated via text and phone calls.
This is the mac. We had all of our software stored on the computer, also we did all of our research, editing, storing with the mac, which is a very highly effective piece of equipment.
This is the Cinema 4D interface that I used to create our intro. The intro was a very complicated process using multiple softwares, that we had stored on our macs. This programme lets us create 4D text to then edit in other software to finalise.
This is adobe after effects, which is what the intro was finalised in. Here I added the special effects, like lighting and flares. This is what makes our intro seem professional and expensive.
This is livetype, this is the programme that we made our typewriter effect on. We had to time the effect with the length of the text, so that each letter actually fit in, and so that it started and ended with enough time to map in our sound effects.
This is Final Cut Express, this is what we did all of our editing in, it has numerous windows in which you can see your documented clips, your final render, and your pre-edited clips. We frequently saved our progress in here, and we did things like sequencing, saturation adjustments and time mapping here in stages.
This is the youtube homepage. Here we kept our final product saved, and we also kept our research clips here as this allowed us to refer back to them whenever needed. 
Blogger is where we documented each stage of our research, planning and different stages of production. We had out separate accounts and could individually comment on our piece, whilst also including the formalities, such as writing our screenplay and shot list.

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